How can a portrait convey more than just a likeness?

These photographic images of young artists are extended portraits, made by combining lens-based images with physical components made with paint, pencils and collaged papers. I wish to move freely between media; hiding and revealing, displacing and connecting; each work a platform where disparate elements may have a conversation


Christine Osinski’s work has been included in recent exhibitions at The Brooklyn Museum, NY; The National Portrait Gallery, Washington DC; Ogden Museum of Southern Art, New Orleans; The Alice Austen House Museum, NYC; Joseph Bellows Gallery, La Jolla, CA; Sasha Wolf Gallery, NYC; Benaki Museum, Athens, Greece; Paris Photo and AIPAD, NYC.

Osinski’s work may be found in many collections including: MOMA in NYC; Museum of Fine Arts, Houston; Portland Art Museum, Oregon; Cincinnati Museum of Art; Museum of the City of New York; Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris; Fogg Art Museum at Harvard University and the U.C. Berkeley Art Museum.

In 2005 Osinski became a Guggenheim Fellow. She received an inaugural photography grant from the Pollock-Krasner Foundation in 2015. Her work has also received support from the New York State Council on the Arts, the Graham Foundation and Lightwork.

Photographs and reviews of her work have appeared in: The New York Times; The New Yorker; The New York Times Sunday Magazine; Aperture; BBC News; The Guardian; The Wall Street Journal; Time Light Box;; Slate; American Photo; Boston Globe, and in other periodicals and numerous books.

Her book SUMMER DAYS STATEN ISLAND was short-listed for the Paris Photo/Aperture Foundation First Book Award.