If you are looking for a unique and compelling story about the fishing industry in Portugal, you should look no further than the story of the sardines. It is a story of tradition, struggle and hope in the face of adversity. It's a story that is unique to Portugal, but one that has universal relevance in today's world.

Journey of the Fish became also my own journey in the sardines’ pathway exploring all the aspects along the way from south to north and east of Portugal as well as from history through presence looking up towards the future.

The Sardines fishing industry in Portugal has a rich history dating back centuries. It has been an important source of livelihood for many coastal communities and a staple food source for many people. However, in the 20th century, the industry began to modernize and expand, leading to overfishing and the depletion of sardine stocks. This has had significant social, cultural, economic and environmental impacts on the communities that rely on the fishery. The decline of sardine stocks has led to a decline in the number of jobs in the fishing industry, causing economic hardship for many coastal communities and a loss of traditional knowledge and skills related to sardine fishing.

The story of Sardines fishing industry in Portugal is a story of how modernization, overfishing and disregard for the environment can have dire consequences on the local communities and the ecosystem. But it is also a story of resilience and hope, as the local communities and authorities are working together to revive the industry in a sustainable way. It allows you to dive deep into the fascinating story and explore the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead for the Sardines fishing industry in Portugal.


Lisbon-based conceptual documentary and fine-art photographer from Bratislava/Slovakia whose primary focus is on the climate and biodiversity crises affecting ocean and socio-economical and ecological impact on the fishing industry in Portugal.

Presently one of the alumni of the 2022-23 VII Photo Masterclass, proud father of 2 and Visual Storytelling Masterclass by The Raw Society participant.