Water-sense of connections

The water is everywhere such as in the river, lakes, oceans, ground, air, plants, our body and breath.

The sense of connections – connections with ourselves and with our surroundings- is what I wish to promote. I believe that the sense of connections takes an important part in our health, healing, and kindness.

There are unique forms, lines, shapes, and colours related to water shown in these works that invite people’s, curiosity, imaginations, and friendly conversations with each other. These images of water can also invite sense of calmness.

I believe that photography has a reflective nature just like the water. This helps us become aware of our inner self.

There are so many similarities I see in the water and us(humans). I can not help but to feel connected when feeling and seeing water. Through photographic works, I invite people to sense such similarities. Some of these similarities are below;

Both water and humans are affected by external factors such as changes in temperature, pressure, pollutions, and environmental conditions.

Each wave of water is so unique in its colours, shapes, movements and textures yet interrelated with each other. We as humans are unique individuals yet we are interrelated with each other.

We are mostly made of water.

Moreover, whether we like it or not, human, animals, and plants breathe the same air. The water is in the air and in our breath. This is another way to recognize that we are all connected-connected with each other and connected with the water.

In conclusion, Water-sense of connections is a photography series that celebrates the beauty and significance of water and sense of connections. With such awareness of connections, we can choose to be kind to ourselves and others.


Nozomi was born and raised in the countryside of Japan surrounded by rice fields. Growing up, she was taught the importance of harmony. In high school, Nozomi traveled to study in Norway. She came to Canada as a student eager to study at a college and university and further to explore what she can do in this world. In Edmonton, Alberta, Nozomi has completed a university degree and worked in health and wellness fields with people with various ages and abilities.

Nozomi is a self-taught photographer. Since she was a child, she has been taking photography mainly to share some moments in life with her family and friends who were in distance so that they feel close and connected. The type of the camera she used for the most of the time was a disposable camera. In summer 2021, Nozomi started to apply for photography contests as encouraged by people around her. Many said that her photography brings them a sense of calmness and peace. It was also during this time that she started to focus on using photography to promote the sense of connections and harmony. In late spring 2022, Nozomi started to work on her photography more for herself so that she could better connect with herself and all beings around. Since then, her photographs have been exhibited in North America, Europe, and beyond. For Nozomi, photography is an experience. It has brought her adventures. Interacting with people and all beings around her has been a fruitful experience which has been influencing her creativity. Nozomi always appreciates everyone for being a part of her journey.