All the places we will never see is a series of photographic images lamenting loss. It is a journey with someone who has passed. The images are memories which I cannot share, which I experience alone.

I wanted to take images which evoke a feeling of either day or night. A twilight between the worlds of the living and the dead. Murky and deep these dreamlike images pull the viewer into their own thought of love and loss.

I walked with my camera and imagined conversations I would have. Of plans made which now cannot be realised. The feeling of loss was heavy but by making these images I created a dialogue which consisted of myself and my camera rather than a human shared experience.

The images are taken on a Contax T2 camera with a Dubble Film 'Stereo 400' 35mm film.


Pippa Healy is an artist based in London. Her practice is primarily diaristic –and is concerned with themes around loss, longing and grief.

Healy works with photography and printmaking techniques such as etching, screen-printing and photogravure. Healy uses both analogue and digital photography to primarily create her images which she then takes into printmaking processes. She is known for her handmade 'zines' which are sold in The Photographers Gallery in London and The Royal Photographic Society in Bristol. They are part of the collections of the Tate Gallery London, The Martin Parr Foundation and the MEP in Paris.

Healy is the recipient of the 2020 Bainbridge Studio Prize and was a finalist in the Printmaking category for The Signature Art Prize 2021. She is a founding member of the printmaking collective Somewhere in Between. Her work has been published widely including Printmaking Today and Photomonitor , PH Museum and Sluice magazine.

Pippa studied photography at Central St Martins and Westminster University (MA, Distinction). She then went on to study MA Printmaking (Distinction) from UAL Camberwell. She is a lecturer in Photography at the University of East London (UEL) where she is also a Fine Art Doctoral candidate.