AJ KLUCK - EXPOSURE emerging photographers showcase

A lot of the work I am making is about navigating my identity as a mixed blood, queer person. I am half white, and half native. I am stamiaʔ (two spirit), meaning I am half woman and half man! I explore how these identities interact, how they clash, how they make sense and don't make sense together. Whether it's blending strange cold/out door environments or comparing compositions or bringing the photographs to life sculpturally - I am in this constant state of healing, hurt, exploration and understanding.


AJ Kluck (they/them/čniłč) is an interdisciplinary artist living in Mohkínstsis, Treaty 7. Their mother is Irish and their father is sqilxw. AJ’s practice is rooted in building slow and gentle relationships with the land and community, healing inter-generational trauma, processing their identity as a sk̓ wsk̓ wtmsqiltk (half-blood) person, and celebrating and reconnecting with sylix ways of being and knowing. Kluck is currently studying Sculpture at Alberta University of the Arts.