Portfolio Review 2025

share your work, build community, refine your practice.

Exposure’s Portfolio Review presents a rare opportunity for photographers and visual artists to receive one-to-one feedback from industry-leading professionals.

Saturday, February 15th from 1-5 pm
at the Taylor Institute for Teaching & Learning
University of Calgary

how it works

Select Your Reviewers

Review slots will be given on a first-come first-served basis. Everyone will receive 4 reviews but we ask you to rank your choices in case some slots have already been taken.

Receive your schedule

Your schedule will be emailed to you about a week before the event along with other relevant information. Reviews will be 20 minutes long. Breaks will be accounted for and light catering will be provided.

prepare your work

Plan to show about 20-25 images from 1-2 bodies of work. Prints are best, but a digital portfolio is also acceptable – just make sure you bring your own device! Come with specific questions in mind.

Cost: $150, or $75 with a valid student ID

Students, please email emma@exposurephotofestival.com to register.

Meet the 2025 Portfolio Reviewers:

  • Beth Kane

    Manager, Visitor Experience, Contemporary Calgary | Board Member, Exposure | Independent Curator 

  • Bryce Meyer

    Commercial, advertising and editorial photographer.

  • Christine Klassen

    Director, Christine Klassen Gallery

  • David Simmonds

    Photographer & Associate Professor, University of Calgary

  • Dona Schwartz

    Artist & Professor, University of Calgary |
    President & Board Chair, Exposure

  • George Webber

    Photographer and educator.

  • Haema Sivanesan

    Director of Leighton Studios and Program Partnerships, Banff Centre | Curator, researcher, and art writer.

  • Jocelyn Anderson

    Director of the JR Shaw Institute for Art in Canada, Glenbow | Educator and art scholar.

  • Jon Lowenstein

    Documentary photographer, filmmaker, and visual artist.

  • Leah Hennel


  • Mitch Kern

    Photographer & Associate Professor, Alberta University of the Arts

  • Nancy Tousley

    Art critic, art journalist, and independent curator.

  • Naomi Potter

    Director/Curator, Esker Foundation

  • Sanja LukaC

    Senior Curator, Visual and Media Arts, Arts Commons | Executive Director, SEITIES

  • Yves Trepanier

    Founder & Co-Owner, TrépanierBaer

Cost: $150, or $75 with a valid student ID

Students, please email emma@exposurephotofestival.com to register.

“Exposure 2025 will mark my third time attending an Exposure Portfolio Review. Each review has been an incredibly rewarding experience, offering valuable criticism and encouragement. Equally important, it has allowed me to present my work to some amazing professionals. The feedback I’ve received has profoundly shaped my work in meaningful ways and I am deeply grateful for the connections made and the opportunities gained through these reviews.”

– Brady Fullerton, Emerging Photographers Showcase 2025

Image by Brady Fullerton, featuring prints from his series “Nowhere”.

How to Get The Most Out
of Portfolio Review

Advice from Dona Schwartz, President and Board Chair of Exposure Photography Festival.

This material draws upon Houston FotoFest’s suggestions for reviews. Mary Virginia Swanson’s “Portfolio Review Events: Important Deadlines Ahead! To Attend or not to Attend” at marketingphotos.wordpress.com was also very helpful in the original development of these tips.

Please Note:

We accept registrations from all Photographers and Visual Artists who wish to present photographic work that is inspired by, challenges or incorporates the photographic medium.

Registered Photographers and Visual Artists can be at any stage of their creative journeys or careers.

We will not be hosting an online version of Portfolio Review this year.

Questions, concerns, and feedback can be directed to our Festival Manager: emma@exposurephotofestival.com.

Thanks to the support of: