Photo Credit: Elly Heise
Photo Credit: Elly Heise
artist talk with elly heise
Date: February 17, 1pm
Location: Festival HQ
Winner of the Emerging Photographers Showcase 2018, Elly Heise, will be presenting an artist talk about the series of work in her solo show, ‘Kin’, featured at the Festival HQ.
’Kin’ is a depiction of once forgotten origins living on in otherworldly spaces. It speaks to concepts of displacement in identity, curiosity towards potential thresholds, and finding certainty in the self through heritage. Elapsed/Overlooked images are manipulated, and then preserved in a space that alludes to a threshold between the real world and the infinite universe. A sense of nostalgia is melded with a contemplation of eternity. The subjects in the portraits become immortalized in a space that is familiar in its generality, but ethereal in its aesthetic.
The photograph serves as a foundation in Heise’s artwork that allows her to introduce more subtle abstracted layers of other processes. She takes elements of historic family archives out of their previous context and combines them with contemporary photographic techniques and artistic mediums. These include digital and hand painting, compositing, and drawing.
Elly Heise is a first-generation Canadian artist with Norwegian-German parentage. She attended the Emily Carr University of Art and Design in Vancouver where she received her BFA, majoring in Photography. She spent the spring of 2018 in residency at Finnskogen, Norway, creating the ‘Kin’ series. Heise is currently a Master of Fine Arts candidate at the University of Victoria.
117 8th Ave SW
Calgary , AB, T2P 1B4