Lexi Pendzich

Lexi Pendzich

Angeline Simon

Angeline Simon


Wes Bell, Angeline Simon, Lexi Pendzich, Lethbridge Photography Club

Exhibition dates: February 29 - April 10
Gallery hours: Monday to Friday 9:00-21:00, Saturday 9:00-17:00, Sunday 10:00-17:00
Opening Reception: February 29, 19:00-21:00

In the Main Gallery:

With warmest regards, always. - Angeline Simon Lethbridge
artist Angeline Simon explores the intersections of identity and place while navigating through family histories and personal archives. A recent graduate of the University of Lethbridge, Simon’s photographs are introspective, contemplative and thoughtful.
On The Line - Wes Bell
Wes Bell’s photographs act as a poetic memento mori asking us to reflect on impermanence and change; from images of detritus on barbed wire to eroding signs. After a successful career as a fashion photographer formerly based in New York, London and Milan, Bell has recently returned to his home in Medicine Hat.

In the Passage Gallery:
NO FORMAT - Lexi Pendzich
Situated somewhere between documentation and personal observation, Lethbridge artist Lexi Pendzich will be presenting a series of photographs in the Passage Gallery.

In the Concourse Gallery:
The 4 Elements - Lethbridge Photography Club
Members of the Lethbridge Photography Club respond to the theme of the 4 elements in their unique, distinct and idiosyncratic styles.

These exhibitions are wheelchair accessible.


230 8th Street South, Lethbridge